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Discussion with Farnaz Arbabi, Jetse Batelaan, Veerle Kerckhoven
Discussion Play Time V: "On Tour": Status and Development in Young Theater in Benelux and Sweden
With: Farnaz Arbabi (Director and Artistic Director of Theater Unga Klara, Sweden), Veerle Kerckhoven (Artistic Director of Theater Bronks, Belgium), Jetse Batelaan (Director and Artistic Director of Theater Artemis, Netherlands), Moderation: Elena Philipp – in English language
Aesthetics from Benelux and Scandinavia have always been influential in the young theater scene in the German-speaking world. And they still are: In the discussion on the Play Time focus "On Tour," we present three important actors.
Farnaz Arbabi is the Artistic Director of Unga Klara, Sweden's national children's and youth theater in Stockholm. As a director, she tackles the topics that concern her young audience, not shying away from heavy subjects.
Jetse Batelaan leads the Theater Artemis company in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. His anarchic productions that turn theater rules upside down are also well-received in Germany.
Veerle Kerckhoven and her team of Theater Bronks in Brussels program a repertoire committed to artistic quality and unafraid of challenges.
What artistic vision drives these three theater makers? What missions do Bronks, Theater Artemis, and Unga Klara pursue? And how do they position themselves in the theater scene of their respective countries? These questions will be discussed, as well as the role of the child in guiding artistic decisions and how the young audience is involved in the creation of the productions.
Streaming program of the thematic focus "On Tour - Young Theater from Benelux and Scandinavia":
"They Will Drown in Their Mothers' Tears" ("De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar") - Unga Klara, Sweden
based on the novel by Johannes Anyuru
Directed by: Farnaz Arbabi
Duration: 2 hours 12 minutes, recommended for ages 15 and above
In Swedish with German subtitles
Streaming is limited to 80 participants, registration via email to: anmeldung@nachtkritik.de
The story takes place two years after an attempted attack on a comic book store. The focus is on the young girl Nour, who did not carry out the attack as planned but instead killed her accomplice. She insists on being from the future, which is described as a dystopian time where those who refuse to sign the citizen contract are declared "enemies of Sweden."
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"Us/Them" ("Wij/Zij") – Bronks, Belgium
Directed by: Carly Wijs
Duration: 60 minutes, recommended for ages 9 and above
in English with German subtitles
A school massacre told from the perspective of two students: The perspectives of the children gain weight in the face of the unimaginable. Carly Wijs's play is based on real events. In 2004, Chechen terrorists seized a school in Beslan and took 1,148 people hostage. 334 of them, mostly children, died during the disastrously failed hostage rescue operation by the Russian military. In Carly Wijs and Thomas Vantuycom's choreographic theater, possibilities of a narrative approach to traumatic experiences emerge – humor and imagination provide help, that much can be revealed.
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"Rita" - Bronks, Belgium
By Randi De Vlieghe, Jef Van gestel
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes, recommended for ages 8 and up
in German
Rita is single and loves operas. A caregiver helps her in everyday life, but also undermines her sense of grand drama. Randi De Vlieghe and Jef Van gestel play these two roles in a blend of acting and choreography.
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"The End of the Beginning of the End" ("Het eind van het begin van het einde") - Theater Artemis, Netherlands
Directed by Jetse Batelaan
Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes, recommended for ages 8 and up
in Dutch with German subtitles
At the end of a show, this play begins. It takes a little while to understand that everything here is running backward. Perhaps we are witnessing the end of theater as an art form? Jetse Batelaan asks what remains in a world without imagination and fantasy.
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"Dance is moving nice and rhytmically to music" ("Dans is lekker ritmisch bewegen op Muziek") - Theater Artemis, Netherlands
Directed by Jetse Batelaan
Duration: 50 minutes, recommended for ages 12 and up
In Dutch with German subtitles
This dance piece for young audiences claims not to be a dance piece, but of course, it is. However, it is one in which paper strips rise from the floor and walls slide back and forth on stage. The choreography of things also extends to the three performers who are clearly waiting for their children.
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"On Tour - Young Theater from Benelux and Scandinavia"
Edit and curation by Simone Kaempf and Elena Philipp
"Play Time - Stream and discours Young Theatre" is a cooperation of nachtkritik.de and the Kulturstiftung des Bundes within the context of "Jupiter – Darstellende Künste für junges Publikum" . Sponsored by the Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
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