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Play Time V: Auf Tour | "Das Ende vom Anfang des Endes" | Artemis, Niederlande

Streaming from June 20th, 7:00 PM, to June 25th, 2023, 7:00 PM
"The End of the Beginning of the End" ("Het eind van het begin van het einde") – Theater Artemis, Netherlands
Directed by Jetse Batelaan
Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes, recommended for ages 8 and above
With German subtitles

About the play:

At the end of a show, this piece begins. It takes a moment to understand that everything is running backward here. Perhaps we are witnessing the end of theater as an art form? Jetse Batelaan questions what remains in a world without imagination and fantasy.

Enabling Challenging Experiences: Artemis Theater

Artemis Theater is an internationally touring company based in the Dutch municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch. Its core audience consists of young people aged 4 to 18. Artemis doesn't have its own performance venue but operates from a rehearsal space. Artistic projects involving young people are developed in schools or community centers. The philosophy of Artemis is, "It is very important for us that art is a space where we encounter the chaos of the world and encounter the unexpected, the uncertain, and practice it," says Jetse Batelaan, who has been directing Artemis Theater since 2013. They don't stage theatrical texts; instead, Artemis and Batelaan, as its influential director, focus on creating plays collaboratively with the young audience.

Art should not protect children but challenge them. They should have experiences that are not just comfortable but also overturn hierarchies and rules. In short, the mission is productive irritation. In the politically conservative Netherlands, it is not always easy to maintain this freedom, according to Batelaan.

Artemis was founded in the early 1990s and is funded by the city, region, and national government. Every four years, the staff submits a new funding application. The funding is secured due to the theater's high reputation, and it receives invitations to festivals both nationally and internationally. Jetse Batelaan received the Silver Lion at the Venice Biennale in 2019 and the ITI Award at the Festival Theater der Welt in 2020.

"The End of the Beginning of the End" ("Het eind van het begin van het einde")
Directed by Jetse Batelaan, Set Design and Lighting by Theun Mosk, Costume Design by Liesbet Swings, Music by Janne Piksen, Dramaturgy by Koen Haagdorens, Artistic Advice by Els De Bodt, Piet Menu.
Featuring: Gina Beuk, Elias De Bruyne, Goele Derick, Joep van der Geest, Julia Ghysels, Lucas van der Vegt, Willemijn Zevenhuijzen.
With thanks to: Thomas Dudkiewicz, Paul Koek, Annelie Koning.
A co-production of Theater Artemis, Het Zuidelijk Toneel, and hetpaleis.
Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes, recommended for ages 8 and above.

For an overview of the thematical series "Play Time V: On Tour" klick here

"Play Time – Stream and Discours Theater for Young Audiences" is a cooperation of and the Kulturstiftung des Bundes within the context of "Jupiter – Darstellende Künste für junges Publikum" . Sponsored by the Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.


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