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Play Time V: On Tour | "They will drown in their mothers tears" | Unga Klara, Sweden

Streaming from June 20th, 7:00 PM, to June 25th, 2013, 7:00 PM
"They will drown in their mothers' tears" ("De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar") – Unga Klara, Sweden
based on the novel by Johannes Anyuru
Directed by Farnaz Arabi
Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes, recommended for ages 15 and above
In Swedish with German subtitles

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About the play:

The story takes place two years after a failed attack on a comic book store. It revolves around a young woman named Nour, who didn't carry out the attack as planned but instead shot her comrade, becoming the sole survivor. She insists on being from the future, which is described as a dystopian time where anyone who refuses to sign the Citizen's Contract is declared a "Sweden enemy." In another narrative thread, a writer visits the forensic psychiatric center where the girl is being held. Her strange story about the future of Sweden deeply affects him. What if she is telling the truth? And how could this future be averted?

Johannes Anyuru's novel was published in Sweden in 2017 and has since been translated into German. His vision of a future Gothenburg where all Muslims must sign a special contract sparked extensive discussions. The writer, born in Boras in 1979, was awarded the prestigious August Prize and the Per-Olov Enquist Prize for this work.

Avant-garde Theater for All Ages: Unga Klara

In 1975, Susanne Osten founded Unga Klara as a young division of the Stockholm City Theatre. In addition to her work as a director and playwright, Osten was always an advocate for children's rights and is considered a "legend" in Sweden, as stated by her successor, Farnaz Arbabi. "Her plays were controversial, addressing issues such as divorced parents, alcoholism, and mental illness. There were intense discussions surrounding them." However, from the beginning, Unga Klara believed that children live in the same world as adults and are therefore familiar with these topics. The theater provides them with a space to engage with these issues.

Under the leadership of Farnaz Arbabi and Gustav Deinoff, who took over from Susanne Osten in 2014, Unga Klara continues its mission to create "life-affirming theater that tackles the difficult, dangerous, and uncomfortable." The perspective of young people is consistently included, as they are involved in the entire rehearsal process and their interests shape the artistic outcome. In doing so, the professional theater makers also reflect on their own position as those who usually have the final say, according to Farnaz Arbabi.

Unga Klara's aspiration is to work from a norm-critical, feminist, and anti-racist perspective, promoting diversity in Swedish theater. The theater also collaborates with experts. For example, in "They will drown in their mothers' tears," a scholar gave a lecture on Islamophobia in Sweden, and a father shared the story of his daughter who joined the Islamic State.

In their manifesto, Farnaz Arbabi and Gustav Deinoff emphasized that children and young people have the right to theater of the highest artistic quality. Unga Klara is known as an avant-garde theater, attracting adult audiences as well. With works like "Because I say so (För att jag säger det)" in 2021 and "Brinn" ("Burn") in 2023, the theater was invited to Scenkonstbiennalen, the Swedish equivalent of the german Theatertreffen festival. In 2010, Unga Klara became an independent theater and was upgraded to a state theater in 2018.

"They will drown in their mothers' tears" ("De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar") – Unga Klara, Sweden
based on the novel by Johannes Anyuru, adaptation by Faraz Arabi
Directed by Farnaz Arabi, Set Design by Jenny Kronberg, Costume Design by Elin Hallberg, Music by Mikael Karlsson
Dramaturgy by Marie Persson Hedenius, Jens Ohlin.
Featuring: Astrid Kakuli, Bashkim Neziraj, Davood Tafvizian, Ester Claesson, Rita Lemivaara, Robin Keller, Tina Pour Davoy

Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes, recommended for ages 15 and above
Streaming in Swedish with German subtitles
The production premiered on August 21, 2021.

For an overview of the thematical series "Play Time V: On Tour" klick here

"Play Time - Stream and Discours Theater for Young Audiences" is a cooperation of and the Kulturstiftung des Bundes within the context of "Jupiter – Darstellende Künste für junges Publikum" . Sponsored by the Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.


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